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After letting me pen over a score of articles, though my muse prompted me to enter into the arena of fiction, yet it made me struggle to come up with the opening lines of my maiden novel for over ten days or so before “That winter night in the mid-seventies, the Janata Express was racing rhythmically on its tracks towards the coast of Andhra Pradesh. As its headlight pierced the darkness of the fertile plains, the driver honked the horn as though to awake the sleepy environs to the spectacle of the speeding train. On that, in the S-3, were the Ramaiahs with their nine year-old daughter Roopa.”But then “the train stopped at a village station, as though to disrupt Roopa’s daydreams of ...
Assessment plays a pivotal role in shaping student learning experiences and guiding instructional practices. However, traditional assessment methods have been criticised for their inability to capture the depth and breadth of 21st-century skills. This has prompted a paradigm shift towards modern assessment approaches that align with constructivist learning theories, embrace technological innovations, and foster multidimensional competencies. This article explores emerging trends in assessment, including computer-based testing, adaptive assessments, gamification, competency-based assessment, and self/peer assessment practices. It also examines challenges and considerations related to validity...

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