Hester Hughes is forced from her home in England to the Scottish Highlands to tend an ailing child.
Hester is an innocent woman thrown into a world of Vikings and superstition that threaten her life at times.
An innocent remark made is misconstrued and suddenly she is labeled: Witch!
Seth McFarland is a Viking Warrior who does not believe superstitious nonsense, but he does believe he would definitely like to get to know the beautiful red-headed, fiery lass thrown into his life by a twist of Fate.
Finding Hester sitting so quietly wary and frightened in that field of flowers, the man feels an instant physical attraction. One he wishes to explore in minute detail.
Hester finds herself thrown into the capable arms of an enigmatical male who becomes her protector, her guide and eventually...over time and with Seth's infinite patience...her lover.
Language : English
Publisher : Elise C. Davies
Publication Date : Oct 23, 2023