
Have you ever said... "I love God, but sometimes I wonder if God loves me.  Why are there some who are Billionaires while others are homeless and starving in the street?  Why are some great athletes while others are born cripple at birth?  No matter who we are, we all can experience difficulties in life.  Sometimes when we are at our weakest hour, the right words can take us from the darkness into the light.

This book's first chapter of poetry will help you see that light.  As you will say, I once was lost, but now I am found, once blind but now I see.  Motivational words to help you through your struggles in life or hardship when you need them the most.  For we all sometime during our life will stumble and fall and need encouraging words to rise us back up. 

The following chapters help us to understand God, one must understand the difference between Good and Evil.  God produces the rain for your crops to grow, but Satan can use that same rain to wash all your crops away.  Discuss informative things in the Bible that we have questions on such as: Why did Jesus say to pick up the serpent and drink all deadly things?  

What did God say to Jesus when he was on the cross crying out "God, why have you forsaken me?  Jesus being God's chosen one, why did the people choose the criminal Barabbas over Jesus?  To see Heaven must we follow Jesus's words when he said to see Heaven one must obey the Ten Commandments and give to the needy?  The false prophet that Jesus warned us about when he said many shall come in the name and they shall deceive you. This book discusses many things in the Bible to broaden our vision of God and fulfill what God asks of us.  It is a book for all religions to read and yes, especially atheists.  




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