Three childhood friends, George, Abraham, and Theodore, formed an unbreakable bond and embarked on a life-altering journey that would shape their futures forever. George, who had the fortune of inheriting his father's business, unfortunately failed in his endeavors and eventually took his own life. Abraham, driven by ambition, became a renowned lawyer but found himself trapped in a loveless marriage and unfulfilling career. Theodore, on the other hand, embraced his artistic spirit and achieved global fame as a celebrated painter.
As years passed, their paths diverged. Circumstances beyond Theodore's control compelled him to assume a new identity after narrowly escaping execution during wartime. Unjustly sentenced for a crime he did not commit, Theodore survived a bullet wound and a treacherous snowstorm, eventually finding safety. When news of the war's end reached him, he traveled to Munich and pursued his passion for art at a prestigious academy.
Fueled by an insatiable desire to succeed, Theodore embarked on a transatlantic voyage to exhibit his artwork in the United States. However, the shadows of his past haunted him, filling him with doubt and fear as he approached his impending return. As Theodore reunited with his old friend Abraham, destiny played a cruel hand, bringing him face to face with his tormentor, Captain Lawrence Lobo, the man who had sentenced him to death all those years ago.
Language : English
Publisher : GR Oliver
Publication Date : May 17, 2018
ISBN-10 : 1717101887
ISBN-13 : 987-1717101884