Tarek Masud

Tarek Masud

Tarek Masud is an author from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He was born to Mr Abu Mohsin and Latifa Akhter on November 9, 1963. He is the second child of his deceased parents. Mr. Masud is a retired teacher with twenty years of teaching experience. Prior to starting his career as an author, he taught at several English medium schools in Dhaka. He received his post graduate degree in English from Dhaka International University which is located in Banani, Dhaka.

Till now his literary works are “Rahmat Ali”, “Five Tablets” and “Pulse”. The first one is a novel and the other two are short story collections in Bangla, his native language. “Forbidden Affair: A Tale from Arakan” is his first literary work in English. It is followed by “The Harbinger” and “Ismarus”, two historical fictions. “The Elenauts”, https://youtu.be/m8uhTjdEk-o is a science fiction. “Fear Not the Spirit” is an environmental fiction and his latest literary work.

Mr. Masud is married to Mahfuza Rahman and has two daughters, Fatema Tuz Zahra and Ayesha Siddiqua.


Contact Information:

Tarek Masud, M. A. in English

12/1-A, Road # 2, Shamoli,

Dhaka-1207, Bagladesh

Mobile # +8801706401667



"Ismarus" is a gripping historical fiction set in ancient Thrace. The story of a prince wrongfully accused and exiled is full of intrigue, betrayal, and redemption. The clash between Ismarus and his cousin Eumoplus drives the plot with intense drama. The timeless classic is for those who love plot driven story with strong characters and epic battles.Tegrios is a despotic king who has a son named Ismarus and a nephew named Eumoplus. Tegrios loves both. However, because of his poor judgment, he ends up favoring his beloved nephew against his own son. Though Tegrios was short sighted, the same cannot be attributed to his queen Calysto. In this novel, Calysto has been portrayed as the voice of r...
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