
Behind The Setting of a Country Club According to Inquisitive Jeff” by James Landsaw falls into the contemporary fiction genre. It combines elements of social commentary and drama, providing a critical look at the hidden dynamics within an exclusive country club setting. The book’s exploration of themes like gossip, corruption, and scandals also gives it a touch of mystery and intrigue.


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Aren't we all authors or aspiring authors? Haven't we all experienced the difficulties of book marketing? We all want to crack the code. There must be some sort of formula. Or not.Last summer, I took a solo trip to the bread basket of America. Beginning in Maryland, I traveled to twelve different states and managed a 4-day visit with an old school chum who lives in a place called Terlingua, TX completely off the grid. It was one of the best vacations I've ever had. Along the way, I left business cards promoting my children's book, That's Ridiculous, Said Nicholas. The cards have a brief description of my book, website, and business phone number. I thought they might help drum up interes...
Yes, breaking free, that’s the immediate challenge before mankind as far as space travel is concerned. In our quest for interstellar voyage to the nearest neighboring star we are still restrained by the gravity of our planet. We have successfully stepped onto the closest celestial body, the moon. Made our presence felt on the other planets of our solar system. But that’s just the first step in this lifelong journey that we have been preparing ourselves for. If the goal is to reach the Alpha Centauri within the next couple of centuries or to exploit the resources of the planets of our solar system, we have to think big. I mean really big, not just sending these tubelike pesky rockets to o...

Todd Hicks is an evolving author who produces a lot of writings with no vulgar language in them - this is ideal if you deplore books filled with profanity and you are a parent who wants to provide your children with family-friendly entertainment. He has published a handful of self-help books and numerous fiction books. Plus, he can directly help you if you're an author who can benefit from the writing and marketing advice he provides for fellow authors.

He makes his works pleasant to the eye by double-spacing his paragraphs and not making his paragraphs too long. He is now working on a special spy series. To see how he might fulfill your reading needs, check out his books.

How To Destroy The Wealth Of A Nation??

The absolute worse Tax a politician can propose is a Wealth Tax. Yet, that is exactly what Kamala Harris is proposing. The Harris wealth tax would apply a minimum Annual 25% tax on the income and unrealized capital gains of Americans' worth more than $100 million. That is where it will start...but it will go down from there.

This will be highly destructive of the creation of wealth and economic opportunities for everyone. WE ARE ALL ECONOMICALLY CONNECTED!

Sanford Kahn, Business Author/Speaker

After letting me pen over a score of articles, though my muse prompted me to enter into the arena of fiction, yet it made me struggle to come up with the opening lines of my maiden novel for over ten days or so before “That winter night in the mid-seventies, the Janata Express was racing rhythmically on its tracks towards the coast of Andhra Pradesh. As its headlight pierced the darkness of the fertile plains, the driver honked the horn as though to awake the sleepy environs to the spectacle of the speeding train. On that, in the S-3, were the Ramaiahs with their nine year-old daughter Roopa.”But then “the train stopped at a village station, as though to disrupt Roopa’s daydreams of ... GENRE OF WRITING SPIRITUAL HISTORICAL FICTIONBELLA delivers her pups in the wilds of the forest, the wild animals rally round and support Bella. Bella has gifts handed down through generations for her special breed, the capability to communicate with all animals.She recounts that legacy in exchange for the support given by the forest animals.Stories that retell the 12 laws of Karma.BELLA – Chronicles of a Karmic Dog, recount stories entwined with humanity. A silent witness, to major events in recent history spanning the last 200 years.• Laika – the first space dog, who finally adopted him?• Nipper – the HMV dog...
She entered my office in the German town,bringing the fragrance of sweet-scented flowers.She carried her braid like a majestic crown:A woman who had some incredible powers. Her eyes were reflecting the world in her soul:A woman created for love and delight,But she was in deepest depression devoured,Although her strength hid her sadness from sight. It seemed all her faith in humans was vanishedAnd it was only God who helped her to survive:She fled from her land, from where she was banished,From everything dearest she was deprived. I cannot remember her name, but her faceWill always remind me the strength of her stand:A woman, possessing such power and graceThe beautiful woman f...
Whenever I look at my body of multi-genre work in English, the underlying human possibility intrigues me no end, and why not for my mother tongue Telugu, touted as the Italian of the East, has no linguistic connection with it whatsoever.To start with, I was born into a land-owning family in Kothalanka, a remote Indian village, of Andhra Pradesh to be precise that is after the British had folded their colonial tents from the sub-continent, but much before the rural education mechanism was geared up therein. It was thus the circumstances of my birth enabled me to escape from the tiresome chores of primary schooling till I had a nine-year fill of an unbridled childhood, embellished by village p...
Plants experience stress due to environmental changes, either in biotic or abiotic form, during their life cycle. Non-heritable modifications in morphological, physiological or biochemical characteristics tend to reduce or decrease growth and productivity, and sometimes lead to death.This book presents an exhaustive overview of the specific effects and modifications that could occur in this regard, and will serve to consolidate the ideas to promote standardization of plant adaptation to these changes in the environment. This book returns to the facts of both biotic and abiotic stress, detailing an essential aspect of plant life in the context of stress response.The text is a comprehensive, c...

At, we believe in the power of stories and the dreams of authors. In a world teeming with undiscovered tales and voices yearning to be heard, our mission is to bridge the gap between authors and readers across the globe.